Monday, July 14, 2014


Say it here, but don't expect an answer. I never read this blog.
It’s confession time, friends. Not only have I never written a blog before, I never even READ my own. So don't ask me anything, because I'll never answer you. In fact I don't even come here to read anything that you may have written!
And if you are liberal-leaning I'll really embarrass you.

Sometimes, whenever I feel angered by something I read online, I go for a jog . If I am unable to do that, I’ll put everything down and play with my cats because no matter how badly I feel, they always make me smile. If none of that does the trick, I vent by going out and punching a Obama campaign sign that I have taped to my punching bag.

I'm "I Ain't Got No Blog" and I approve this message!