Monday, July 14, 2014


Say it here, but don't expect an answer. I never read this blog.
It’s confession time, friends. Not only have I never written a blog before, I never even READ my own. So don't ask me anything, because I'll never answer you. In fact I don't even come here to read anything that you may have written!
And if you are liberal-leaning I'll really embarrass you.

Sometimes, whenever I feel angered by something I read online, I go for a jog . If I am unable to do that, I’ll put everything down and play with my cats because no matter how badly I feel, they always make me smile. If none of that does the trick, I vent by going out and punching a Obama campaign sign that I have taped to my punching bag.

I'm "I Ain't Got No Blog" and I approve this message!


  1. Mr. "I Ain't Got No Blog" Is right on the money.. But you hypocritical lying libs are too blind to see the light.. We have a anti-American, socialistic in our White House and you libs don't want to admit it. Obama talks out of both sides of his mouth and so do you.. I am of the belief that Obama walks in dangerous territory when he threatens the lives of the people who make up America's intelligence community. Already, he was rushed into a meeting of CIA officials to apologize for being misunderstood.

    I am also of the belief that THIS is the leftist's latest attempt to *get* President Bush, since Obama is interested ONLY in investigating the persons *who signed* the orders.

    You may think that this is "All fun to me" But it's no fun at all, this is very serious stuff.

  2. Amen to that!

    Libs just can't face the FACT that their winner turned out to be a loser.

  3. I love your comments on the various blogs that you comment on. Great job.
